B'nai B'rith UK

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“The National Library of Israel – a dialogue between time and space”

Heritage Days Zoom Meeting by Caron Sethill

“The National Library of Israel – a dialogue between time and space”

By In Israel, News, Talk, Virtual Meeting On 28 November 2021

The Heritage Days Zoom Meeting on Wednesday 24 November was a fascinating talk on “The National Library of Israel – a dialogue between time and space” by Caron Sethill, NLI Programme Manager Europe.

A recording of the talk is posted  here on the BBUK website – https://www.bnaibrithuk.org/virtual-meetings-2021/

Caron has followed up by sharing a number of links she mentioned and which may be of interest:

  1. The National Library of Israel – https://www.nli.org.il/en
  2. NLI exhibitions for The European Day of Jewish Culture – https://www.nli.org.il/en/at-your-service/nli-in-europe/european-days
  3. Gesher L’Europa – NLI in Europe – https://www.nli.org.il/en/at-your-service/nli-in-europe
  4. The European Ephemera Collection : the email address if you have items that might be appropriate to give to the library –  including those relating to  Covid-19 – is  ephemera@nli.org.il,
  5. Blog featuring all 8 chanukah films (the one for the 8th night was part of Caron’s presentation) – https://blog.nli.org.il/en/lbh-8-hanukkah/