B'nai B'rith UK

+44 (0)75 88 087 324 office@bnaibrithuk.org

Kyiv Lodge Thanks BBUK

Kyiv Lodge Thanks BBUK

By In BBUK, Charitable Projects, Charities, Kyiv Project, . . . On 25 March 2020

Report by Alan Miller

Dear Members

This letter below from our contact in the B’nai B’rith Kyiv Lodge, Svetlana Levitas, illustrates the importance and the vital contribution made by members of BBUK in supporting our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine. 

The B’nai B’rith UK Medical Aid Programme which raises funds to provide medicines to the elderly and Righteous gentiles in Kyiv is a unique project and shows how we can actually make a real difference at this most difficult time.

I wish you and your families well.

Alan Miller

President BBUK
BBUK Office: 020 7446 8660
BBUK Mobile: 075 8808 7324
Follow us on https://twitter.com/BnaiBrithUK
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We wish you good health and hope that you and all your family members are safe in these threatening times of COVID-19. 

In the difficult period of the coronavirus pandemic, we support elderly clients of our project – we call them regularly and deliver medication. Now the entrance to supermarkets and drugstores is prohibited without protective masks. This official demand provoked a huge shortage of masks and gloves in Kyiv, and elderly people are absolutely not provided with the masks by the government. Though thanks to your financial support we managed to buy it and to deliver medication to the clients of our project.

Please find attached the picture of medication, protective masks and gloves that our people have already received thanks to the support of B’nai Brith UK.

Wishing you all the best, Svetlana