B'nai B'rith UK

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BBUK statement on Jerusalem massacre

BBUK statement on Jerusalem massacre

By In Advocacy, Bureau of International Affairs, Israel On 29 January 2023

B’nai B’rith UK is devastated to hear of the massacre that took place in Jerusalem’s Neve Yaakov neighbourhood yesterday evening. We mourn the loss of seven Israelis to an act of senseless violence and hope that all those who were injured make a speedy recovery. It is particularly horrifying that this terrorist atrocity took place on a solemn day when Jews worldwide were commemorating the Shoah, a poignant reminder that antisemitism continues to claim victims around the world. We are heartened that the attack was condemned by many governments worldwide, as well as the UN Secretary General, and call on others to do the same. But yesterday’s appalling events cannot be ignored by Israel’s government, coming as they do after so many provocative and incendiary statements from Palestinian leaders. When Israel is forced into taking measures to protect its citizens, it is only right that its actions receive understanding and sympathy, rather than routine condemnation. 

Jeremy Havardi, Director of BBUK’s Bureau of International Affairs