B'nai B'rith UK

+44 (0)75 88 087 324 office@bnaibrithuk.org


BBUK Zoom Meeting with Jonathan Ornstein: “The Rebirth of Jewish Life in Krakow”

Jonathan Ornstein is Executive Director of the Jewish Community Centre of Krakow, which opened in 2008. Its aim is to rebuild Jewish life in Krakow. With over 750 Jewish members, they welcome 10,000 visitors a month, becoming one of Poland’s most visible signs of Jewish revival



To register email: events@bnaibrithuk.org

There is no charge for this meeting which is open to all.
Donations to BBUK charities would be appreciated and can be made via https://www.bnaibrithuk.org/donate


Wednesday 26 May 2021


8:00 pm

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