B'nai B'rith UK

+44 (0)75 88 087 324 office@bnaibrithuk.org

B’nai B’rith UK condemns large-scale wedding

B’nai B’rith UK condemns large-scale wedding

By In BBLBIA, BBUK On 23 January 2021

Report by Jeremy Havardi

B’nai B’rith UK would like to join the Chief Rabbi in condemning the decision to hold a large scale wedding in Stamford Hill on Thursday night. At a time when the Covid pandemic is claiming the lives of many hundreds every day and forcing millions into isolation, this event was an outrage against Jewish values. It not only breached the law but put lives at risk in the process, making it an act of gross irresponsibility. The current crisis demands that all act with good sense and integrity in order to protect life and prevent the spread of the virus. We continue to salute all those on the front line of this battle, especially our health care workers whose heroism is saving lives every day. Further, we call on all Jewish leaders in the UK to reinforce the importance of acting lawfully and ethically so as to preserve life.