B’nai B’rith Cheshire fills 3 car boots with donated food and toiletries for Sukkot appeal
By bnaibrithukadminuser In Announcements, BBUK, Charitable Projects, Charities, . . . On 25 October 2020
B’nai B’rith in Cheshire has this year inaugurated a Sukkot appeal, with a superb collection of food and toiletries for the Wythenshawe Food Bank in Manchester. This helps those who are in more vulnerable and disadvantaged situations, especially with Covid having caused so many job losses and so much family poverty this year.
Lynne Nathan of B’nai B’rith Cheshire, who organised the appeal said: “I was so thrilled when I witnessed our community’s wonderful response to our Sukkot appeal for food and toiletries. On Friday, five of us delivered 3 car-bootfuls of generous donations from the Jewish community to Wythenshawe Food Bank where we were greeted enthusiastically by Scott, the Food Bank manager, who was genuinely overwhelmed by our ‘haul’.
He proudly gave us a brief tour of the facility and a short talk about the work of the Food Bank, which runs entirely on volunteer donations and man-power … including two Jewish Trustees! Scott acknowledged the contribution made by our community. We are delighted that through this mitzvah, in the name of B’nai B’rith, we have made a small difference to the lives of those in need.”
Andrew Pal, President of B’nai B’rith Cheshire, added: “As a temporary dwelling, the sukkah represents the fact that all existence is fragile and therefore Sukkot is a time to appreciate that we have homes, food and the basic necessities of life. Unfortunately, there are deprived communities around about us, as there are everywhere, so this is a good time to remind ourselves that whilst we enjoy the festival, we should also help others less fortunate.” One of B’nai B’rith’s aims is to help those who are vulnerable and disadvantaged with special projects to help elderly Jews in Ukraine and in Israel.