Become a Member
ou can join B’nai B’rith as a National Member Come and join the worldwide Jewish family of B’nai B’rith and remember, being a member here in the UK, means you are a member all over the world!
As a member you have the right to a say in the organisation of BBUK, particularly at the AGM, to which all members are invited to attend.
Or you can join a Lodge in your area. Membership is open to Jewish individuals and couples of all ages regardless of whether they are religious or secular.
National Membership
Becoming a National Member of B’nai B’rith enables you to support the principles of the organisation. You can be as active or as passive within the organisation as you like.
You are entitled to attend any of the activities, organised on a National, European or International level as well as those organised by the local Lodges.
You are kept appraised of what the organisation is doing regarding its Humanitarian projects and its political lobbying, both here and around the world.
You would receive all emails, Newsletters and magazines as would be sent to Lodge members.
Without Gift Aid
With Gift Aid
Lodge Membership
Becoming a Lodge Member of B’nai B’rith enables you not only to support the principles of the organisation as a National Member does, but also enables you to enjoy the full range of activities and social events of your Lodge.
You will also be able to enjoy the friendly social interaction that takes place between members of your Lodge and the other Lodges.
If there are no lodges in your area and you would like to start one, contact us and we will support you in setting it up.
Without Gift Aid
With Gift Aid
Friend of the Bureau
Support and encourage the Bureau of International Affairs – Become a Friend
We would like you to become a full member of B’nai B’rith UK, but if you would prefer to be associated with us as a friend, we would be pleased to have your support.
Friends of B’nai B’rith UK’s Bureau of International Affairs, unlike members, do not have to be members of the Jewish faith but are people who are sympathetic to our aims. Friends will receive all the resources that the Bureau has produced, past and present, including a PDF of its main book Israel and the Middle East and important research papers.
Friends are also entitled to attend one breakfast meeting a year in a glamorous London location where they can listen to a major diplomat on important issues of the day.
In addition, they will be entitled to attend the series of online talks that the Bureau organises with major figures in the worlds of diplomacy and politics. They will also receive the quarterly newsletter which provides a summary of the Bureau’s recent activities.
If you would like to become a Friend for only £20 a year, please fill out the form here.
What our Members say
It is a pleasure to belong to BBUK, everyone is very welcoming and friendly, and I particularly like helping with the welfare work our Lodge does. Walking through the door as a stranger and on my own was hard, but the welcome I received was so warm and inviting, that I joined the Lodge there and then. I love walking and I regularly go on rambles with my Lodge.